


What is Turnitin?

turnitin logo“Turnitin is the leading originality checking and plagiarism prevention service used by millions of students and faculty, and thousands of institutions worldwide. Turnitin encourages best practices for using and citing other people’s written material. The service offers a complete web-based service to manage the process of submitting and tracking papers electronically, providing better—and faster—feedback to students.” – Turnitin FAQ.

Below we provide tutorials for both instructors and students when getting started.

Turnitin Tutorial Videos

For Instructors:

How to set up an assignment in Canvas that uses Turnitin  

Grading and Viewing TII Results in Canvas  

Functionality of the ETS E-Rater layer in the Feedback Studio.  

How to check similarity scores in Canvas and and use SpeedGrader for assignment annotations.  

How to create and use rubrics in Turnitin.  

How to create PeerMark assignments for students.  

TII Quick Submit Video 2  

For Students:

How to submit a paper and view feedback in Turnitin.  

How to complete a peer review using Turnitin.  

Here at PLNU we have a Turnitin integration with Canvas, making it easy and convenient for both students and instructors to use. For questions about using Turnitin in your course, contact our resident expert, Katie Jacobson at KatieJacobson@pointloma.edu or call 619-849-2950.

For more information and general questions about Turnitin, visit the Turnitin Help Center.