The Office of Instructional Technology will be offering 4 one-week faculty development opportunities this summer! Each workshop will include 9 hours of instruction spread over a week’s time with opportunities for one-on-one consultation and assistance with implementation as you make changes to one or more of your courses.
The general format will include three hours of face-to-face time on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays with optional one-on-one consultations on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Dates for these workshops are TBD and will be based on schedules of those interested in any given workshop. Workshop topics and descriptions are as follows:
Go iPad, Go Mobile!
Simplify your workflow and dramatically limit your need for paper by using your iPad more effectively! Learn how to use Canvas and your iPad for annotated lectures, grading assignments and giving feedback to students. By using Google Drive and the Google Suite of Apps you can leave your laptop at your desk and carry only your iPad to and from work. Take meeting notes on your iPad using Notabilty allowing you to reference all your meeting notes within seconds wherever you are! If you are a full-time faculty member and don’ t have an iPad? Apply for one using this application as part of the iPad Initiative! Part-time and adjunct faculty are welcome if you have your own iPad.
Leveraging Canvas
Let us help you use Canvas to realize a myriad of benefits for you and your students. Using Canvas doesn’t have to be complicated and the benefits can include:
Reducing the need for printed materials
Keeping grades in Canvas allows students to a “running calculation” of their grades throughout the semester
Well designed Canvas exams are easier to grade
Properly proctored Canvas exams keep your exam materials more secure
Students prefer having course materials online so they can access them anywhere
Pick and choose the benefits you want to reap and let us help you design a streamlined Canvas course that can be used semester after semester. Equally open to all faculty!
Encourage Academic Honesty – using Honorlock for test proctoring
Research indicates that 86% of college students claim they have cheated on exams/quizzes in some way (Kessler International, 2017). Explore evaluation methods that will encourage students to maintain academic honesty and give you a broad-based strategy from which to evaluate learning. Use a proctoring tool called Honorlock to keep your testing materials secure. With automated features that prevent cut and paste, printing and surfing the web, you can be certain students will not be tempted to compromise your test or their integrity. Honorlock can also be used in hybrid and fully online courses because it offers ID authentication, screen, video and audio recording, and can detect multiple devices in the testing location.
Encourage Academic Honesty – using Turnitin as a teaching tool
While Turnitin is considered a plagiarism detection tool and can be used to “police” students’ written work, research indicates a more effective way to use it is to teach students more about what constitutes plagiarism (Chew, 2015). Use Turnitin in conjunction with positive messaging to teach students how to avoid plagiarism on written assignments. Learn strategies for promoting good time management, critical thinking and original work.
Kessler International. (2017, February 6). Survey Shows Cheating and Academic Dishonesty Prevalent in Colleges and Universities. Retrieved March 26, 2019, from news-releases/survey-shows- cheating-and-academic- dishonesty-prevalent-in- colleges-and-universities- 300402014.html
Chew, E., Ding, S. L., & Rowell, G. (2015). Changing attitudes in learning and assessment: cast-off “plagiarism detection” and cast-on self-service assessment for learning. Innovations in Education & Teaching International, 52(5), 454–463. https://doi-org.pointloma.idm. 2013.832633
Please use the OIT Training Interest form below to let us know your interest in one of these workshops.